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I am originally from Watts, CA, however, he finished high-school in Prince George’s County Maryland and attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) in Daytona Beach, FL as an Aeronautical Science major.

Charell works as an Information Technology technician for the Educational Services District in Anacortes, Wa. He is also a Chess Instructor for Chess Wizards, a member of the United States Chess Federation, and a member of the Island County Astronomical Society.

I would like to thank you for your confidence in me to be Worshipful Master for the upcoming year.

As we start a New Year at African Genesis Lodge let us all strive to make it a great year. To this end I would like all my brothers remember Masonry is not just a bunch of guys getting together one Saturday a month to hang out for a couple hours. Masonry is not reading meeting minutes of the past or voting on paying bills we all know need to be paid . Masonry is an unending journey of enlightenment through education.

As 2018 starts I hope to make it a year to remember. My goal is to have a lecture for each meeting for Masonic education (5 to 10 minutes)  If you have any ideas on speaker or would like to speak yourself please let me know. We will keep doing the things from the past that work and that keep or heritage alive. Try to change some things that can be better or don’t work but I will need your help.

We need brothers to help with breakfast, either to help with or just to come eat, to serve on committees on visitation, membership retention also to assisting the SW and JW with any projects they may have. Lets looking at building new membership, Web site upgrade of paying dues by  credit card and much more. We all know of some things that can change but just talking to each other and not working to correct it doesn’t change anything. I cannot promise we will get it all done but with your help we will try.

I will include in the Lodge Calendar our stated meeting the Grand Lodge meeting dates, purposed  breakfasts and other activities. I will update it as  needed. It will accessible on the Web site.  I will do my best to have a Master Note in the Trestle Board each month. I will also try to work closer with and support our fellow Masonic organizations.

I am looking forward to a great year with great brothers and with your help it will be.

With Brotherly Love your,

Worshipful Master

The WM, SW, & JW Corner: About


I am originally  from South Mills NC educated in the Camden County School system . I attended Elizabeth City State University before joining the Worlds Greatest Navy as a Parachute Rigger. Currently I hold the position as the General Foreman of the Electrical Department at Pacific Ship Repair and Fabrication.

Brothers, I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Christmas and New. As geometry starts with a point and that point expands to a line and so forth, we need a point to focus on. That point is a Mission Statement and mines for the coming year is; “To Provide an Environment in which Good Men can become Better Men”. This is not just for the new brother who is beginning his journey, but for every member of the Lodge! Executive training classes teach: for one to improve, one must evaluate the current status, decide on a plan for change, implement the change and re-evaluate to see if that change made a positive difference and then repeat as needed. I challenge each of you to evaluate your progress on becoming a better man and if improvement is desired, make a plan to change. If the Lodge is not providing you with the environment you need to implement your change, ask an Officer to see if we can help to modify the environment. The environment includes but is not limited to; the building and its furnishings, the programs and the knowledge of the brothers providing guidance. I congratulate WM Wright on a fine year in which he evaluated and implemented changes. My hope is that we can do as good or better in the coming year. From my heart I want to thank you for your electing me Senior Warden - am honored. and will do my best to try and fulfill the duties of my position and “do-right” by the craft and those that served before me.

Moving into the West, I am relishing the opportunity to support the Oriental Chair, as he continues our many fine traditions. I would like to thank DDGM James Harris, for his stewardship in guiding our beloved Lodge through another year with his support, while maintaining our high standards. I also want to thank the many Brothers in advance for their upcoming support throughout the year. As the new Senior Warden, I feel that we are in very capable hands with a new administration. I consider this to be a privilege, there were many helping hands along the way to prepare us to step up and lead. I would like to congratulate all Brethren who were appointed to their offices. Am very excited and look forward to working with them as well. Thank you to everyone who attended the Installation of Officers. We were close to a full house. Brothers once again thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve as Senior Warden. It is indeed a great honor and privilege to serve this great Lodge through the 2023 Masonic Year. God Bless all, and wish everyone a healthy and prosperous New Year.

Fraternally and sincerely.

Maurice Ferbee

Senior Warden

The WM, SW, & JW Corner: About


Let the work begin

 Ronald Kendrick Jr. Is a New Orelans native thatattended Booker T.Washington high school,enteringthe manufacturing industry after.He enjoyed pursuing entrepreneurship until he and many loved ones were affected by hurricane Katrina causing them to completely start over in Atlanta, GA. He took a huge leap of faith a few years ago with his family and currently lives in the Pacific Northwest. He enjoys giving back to the community using his gift of cooking. He enjoys running a catering business, continually focusing on optimizing each customer's experience. He is honored to be a part of such a wonderful organization that presents significant opportunity of brotherhood that empowers each of us to become the best we can be.      

Dear Brother, The Installation of Officers for 2023 has come and gone and I now find myself in the honorable position of Junior Warden. As I try my best to fill the requirements of this position and to set an example for all the Brothers of the Lodge.

“The Plumb - admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations, to hold the scale of justice in equal poise, to observe the just medium between intemperance and pleasure and to make our passions and prejudices coincide with the line of our duty… Look well to the South!” Such an eloquent way of saying, be fair, everything in moderation, and make sure your likes and dislikes are conducive to your values, beliefs, and the way of life you would like to be known for. What an honor it is for me to wear the Plumb and I invite you my Brother, to join me in “Looking well to the South!”

Fraternally and sincerely.

Ronald Kendrick Jr.

Junior Warden

The WM, SW, & JW Corner: About

804 North Street Coupeville WA 98039

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